FWI End of Year Report - 2024

In 2024 Fair World International, through its local NGO Improving Tanzania Foundation, has attempted to to reduce the unfair situation facing people living in the Usambara mountains of Tanzania - particularly in the areas of health and education 

We work in consultation with local village communities and the below projects came to us as the result of local suggestions. We not only consult local communities as to their needs, but also work together with them to ensure that respect for them and their self dignity are not compromised. 

We have impacted community health and education in the following ways.


Creating a better learning environment in schools was a major focus for us. 

In both primary and secondary schools in the Usambara mountains we:

built two hundred and twenty toilets (servicing approximately six thousand students);

- installed eleven water tanks;

- built five handwashing stations;

- renovated eight classrooms;

- built two new classrooms;

- built a kitchen for the preparation of lunch-time meals for students;

- distributed three hundred and sixty menstrual kits to secondary students;

- donated seven desktop computers and four photocopy machines.



Many government clinics providing first line health services in isolated villages are often poorly serviced, lack basic equipment, and experience difficulty replacing infrastructure. One issue is electricity, the supply of which is quite uncertain and places women giving birth after dark in peril. To counteract this we installed solar systems in the neo-natal wards of twenty six health clinics. 

We delivered basic analytical equipment to forty five health clinics. 

We installed six television screens in the pre- and post-natal women waiting areas of six central clinics. These were accompanied by informational programs detailing how to care for the nutritional needs of babies and young children. 

These screens backed up our malnutrition program which provided nutrition and knowledge to one hundred and thirty one children and their mothers in eleven villages.

The health clinics were further supported by the building of two placenta pits,  two incinerators, a laboratory, an undercover waiting area, and a kitchen. 

In other areas of health, we provided health insurance to seventy eight blind and severely disabled students at a special school in Lushoto. 

We also purchased health insurance for six hundred and ninety HIV+ adults who would otherwise struggle to receive basic health care. 

We installed a phototherapy machine in Lushoto hospital to treat instances of jaundice which are a frequent occurrence in newly born babies in Tanzania. 

In support of animal welfare, we held six Happy Cows Happy Farmers seminars to increase the knowledge of farmers on how to better support the health of their cows through better nutrition, shelter etc. - their reward being more milk and more calves.  

Below is the EOY Financial Report and breakdown of expenditures.


FWI Impact Report January 2025


FWI Impact Report December 2024