There are plenty of ways that you can help to make the world a fairer place!
1. Donate to where the need is greatest
We will allocate your donation to where the need is greatest and most urgent.
2. Donate to specific campaign(s)
You can choose one or more areas from our campaigns in Tanzania that speak to you the most!
3. Start your own fundraising
Whether it's giving up your daily coffee, going for a weekend without talking, pushing yourself to achieve a physical milestone, or celebrating your birthday with a special gift, you can make a big difference in the lives of people in Tanzania. The money you raise will help fund our work in Tanzania.
4. Volunteering
Make a difference and meet people by volunteering. Find out about available opportunities at FWI here.
If you prefer direct payment, please find below the transfer information.
BSB: 313-140
If you make a donation by EFT, could you please use the Contact Us page of our website to state your name, email address, and donation amount so that a tax receipt can be forwarded to you. If you have any specific campaign in mind, please also make a comment, and we will gladly allocate your donation to your chosen project.
Alternatively, you can send an email with the above details to: welcome@fairworldinternational.org
“Live, so that when your children think of fairness, caring and integrity, they think of you.”