Our work in Tanzania has many facets. But we always go to great lengths to ensure that our money achieves maximum impact.
The following policies have been developed through sometimes hard experience since our Chairman began working in Tanzania in 2010
We run a lean operation with just three employees and a small office in Mambo village. We do have a car which is indispensable for traversing the mountains of the Usambaras.
Wherever possible, we work in combination with communities, not for communities. Our motto is ‘Pamoja Tunaweza” - “Together we can”. We take the attitude if a project is worth supporting, it will be initiated and managed by the community. Thus, the responsibility for success remains largely with the local community.
There are projects that are lacking funding and need to be financed. In these cases, the need for a community contribution does not apply. For example, we support local health centers with equipment which is purchased in Dar es Salaam and shipped to the clinic. And, we support HIV children by paying their health insurance premiums to ensure their treatment without delay. And, we have a nourishment programme for malnourished children - currently approximately one hundred and ten children under the age of five are supported. Apart from community health staff playing a critical role in the nourishment programme, none of the above projects require a community contribution. The missing item for all these programs is the result of poverty - a lack of money.
We believe in paying all participants in a project directly. Thus, we pay tradesmen’s assistants directly, not through the boss. We pay suppliers of all materials directly. In short, we do not believe in paying third parties as we do not wish to tempt people. This ensures the best possible outcome for dollar impact.
With our senior project manager’s experience, gained over many years, we avoid paying excessive prices for labour and goods.
We request an electronic tax invoice for all goods purchased (or, if not possible, a written receipt), produce a weekly financial report, and a monthly impact statement - all of which contributes to transparency and professionalism.