FWI Impact Report May 2024
Dear Friends, here follows the FWI Impact/Activity Report for May 2024:
1. The toilets at Mambo A Primary School (690 students, 5 teachers) and Mambo B Primary School (614/6) are now complete - ten for girls and ten for boys;
2. At Kwaresha Primary School (178/5) the four new toilets are also complete;
3. We visited eleven health clinics in the district of Bagamoyo (near Dar es Salaam) during the month. Although the figures can fluctuate, monthly these health clinics usually treat, in total, more than eight thousand patients (mainly women and children) and assist in almost four hundred births.
Most clinics are very isolated and in need of quite basic equipment which we will now proceed to deliver;
4. We also visited seven schools in Bumbuli district (totaling 2,888 students, 69 teachers). Their common need is toilets. (No surprise there!). We will now work with the local communities and proceed with haste to build them;
Example of toilets that desperately need to be replaced
5. Kwemakame health clinic’s 10,000 liter water tank is now finished;
6. This month we celebrated the graduation of five children from our malnourishment program. Four new children were accepted into the program. The number of children now receiving nutrition and medical care is one hundred and eleven. This month flu has been a major problem afflicting twenty of our children who failed to advance their weight. With the rain and cold now slowly abating, this threat to the children should soon diminish;
6. We held four Happy Cows Happy Farmers seminars in the villages of Bagai, Kwizu, Mhezi, and Marindi. Total farmer attendance was seventy five. The goal of the seminar was to give a better understanding of how to improve the welfare of their cows and thus achieve increased milk production and higher calf numbers;
7. We held a liquid soap-making seminar with representatives from seven villages.
It was led by the wonderful women from Mambo village who have successfully run their own soap-making business for the past three years.
It is our hope that their success will now be emulated by the establishment of new women’s groups in the seven villages attending.
We will provide the initial ingredients and the required business guidance;
8. We continue to support three women’s groups (and are hopeful of soon establishing a fourth group) which are making re-usable menstrual kits. The kits are given out to school girls, thus empowering them to remain at school instead of being forced to stay at home, - thus missing a week or more of schooling every month.
We will shortly be able to resume distribution once we resolve some material supply issues;
9. We completed 20 toilets - 10 for girls, 10 for boys - at Kwemakame Primary School (748/16).
School assembly in Kwemshwa
Very basic tracks for all vehicles in the Usambara mountains