FWI Impact Report October 2023

Habari Rafiki

Here follows the Fair World International/Improving Tanzania Foundation Impact Report for October 2023.

We have:

1. Installed two 10,000l water tanks in Miegeo village one for the health clinic and one at the village center;

2. Repaired the water catchment system in Miegeo Primary School;

3. Installed a tank and hand-washing station in Mbula Primary School;

4. installed solar systems in the baby delivery rooms and delivery wards of the following health clinics - Kwekanga, Dule, Kinko, Rangwi, Miegeo and also in the Shukilai Primary School Teacher’s Residence;

5. Delivered equipment and furniture to the Mgwashi health clinic, delivery room and ward;

6. ⁠Provided monthly nourishment and medical oversight to 62 malnourished children from six Usambara villages. These children are referred to us by the local health clinics.


FWI Impact Report November 2023


FWI 2021 Impact Report, in progress (Jan-April)