FWI Impact Report January 2024

Dear Friends, below is our Impact Statement for January 2024:

1. We distributed 150 menstrual kits to the students at Prinz Klaus Secondary school. We anticipate that this will allow them to remain in school without what has until now been monthly interruptions.

2. In 2021 we opened the first classroom in Mkundi ya Mtae primary school - after working with the villagers to avoid their children walking 5Km each day to the nearest school. In time for the 2024 school year together we completed a second classroom.

3. In July last year Nkelei village asked for help in completing their kindergarten classroom. This too is now ready for the new school year.

4. Longoi health clinic, requested a placenta pit. This was also completed this month.

5. We also completed a new toilet building at Prinz Klaus secondary school.

6. We delivered much needed equipment to five health clinics Mpanga, Tema, Mkundi ya Mtae, Masereka and Mlola

7. We had nine new children enter our malnourishment program in January, brining the total to 92. Unfortunately 24 of them lost weight during the month due to primarily flu which has been widespread due to unseasonal rain in the Usambara mountains. We too were delayed in reaching the health clinics for the weight control!

8. The malnourishment project welcomed 13 new children. We expect some to graduate quickly as they are only slightly underweight. We now have 104 active participants in the program.

9. We delivered medical equipment to the Mhezi health clinic. This was our third delivery to the clinic in three years and consisted of UTI strips, a glucose machine with strips, and aprons.


FWI Impact Report February 2024


FWI Impact Report December 2023